Final Conference of the project ACC03P02, 23rd June 2023

On 23rd June 2023 the Final Conference of the project Environmental Research in the Indoor and Outdoor Educational Zone was held in the school premises. The project is implemented thanks to support from Norway grants, the State Budget of the Slovak Republic within the SK-Climate programme and co-financing from the Nitra Self-Governing Region.

Environmental education is taught in schools as a cross-curricular theme. However, it has a special place in our school and it is taught as a subject in Year 1 with the aim to teach our pupils that man has always been a part of nature. Man as such has his place in it, nature accepts him, but it doesn't have to be forever. In nature, laws such as the struggle for life, natural selection or adaptation apply. And these laws also apply to humans. 

In Environmental Education, we teach pupils to live in true symbiosis with nature and the people in their vicinity, to seek answers to different questions. For example, how to coexist peacefully, how to assert oneself, what colours go together, because nature is a great artist. 

Thanks to financial support, we have adapted the school gardens so that pupils can learn outside. At the same time, we created teaching materials for teachers and pupils aimed at practical implementation of project-based learning. The activities combine knowledge from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Computer Science and more.

Ing. Branislav Becík, PhD., Chairman of Nitra Self-Governing Region, became the patron of our book entitled Change School to Change Climate. The authors are Imrich Jakab, Zuzana Pucherová, Lucia Szabová, Soňa Krajčíková, Martina Mazáňová.

We wish our book to be a useful tool for pupils and teachers to motivate them to discover with pleasure such interesting content as nature itself offers.