ENVIRO DAY, 23rd May 2022

On 23rd May 2022, our students took part in environmental activities that we carried out together not only in the school yard, but also in the park and in the composting plant. The aim of these activities was to develop students’ need to protect the environment and to contribute to the development of their responsibility to improve the quality of the environment. There were a lot of fun and creative ideas to achieve our goal. 
Being in nature had a positive effect and so we decided to write a poem or draw a comic strip. In order to reduce the usage of plastic bags we were shown how to make our own shopping bag from an old, seemingly unnecessary T-shirt. 
Our youngest pupils also took part in the activities and learned how to separate waste. During a walk around the City Park and the Sportsmen's Park, we learnt when the parks were founded and how many trees were planted there. We also confirmed the actual year the parks were founded in by calculating the age of some of the trees based on the girth of their trunks.
The first and second-year students visited the local collection yard and composting plant, where they learned about the waste processing, separating, buying and selling secondary raw materials and dangerous waste. We spent our environmental day by cleaning the Jewish cemetery, whereby our students learned, among other things, something about its history. 
In order to raise the awareness of climate change mitigation and adaptation among students we worked together with assistants from the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, who spent the Enviro Day together with us. 
We firmly believe that the Enviro Day promoted an active approach to the creation and protection of the environment through practical teaching and thus contributed to the development of love and respect for nature in pupils in a practical sense.